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Flash CS4. You are about to install the newest version of the Adobe Flash Player. This program has been downloaded 16 times from our servers. The average (last 30 days) speed of Flash Player Download is 57,452 kb/s. Please do not forget to share the link below if you like it.What new information emerged in the course of the discussion? What will I gain from this? What will you gain from this? How do you view the relationship between the work of reconstruction, the work of healing, and service? In what ways are these practices ongoing? How does all this relate to your experiences as a psychological/mental health professional? Let’s look at each of these topics in more detail. The relationship between the work of reconstruction, the work of healing, and service Clearly, if the work of reconstruction is simply delayed, the reparative processes that occurred as a result of a traumatic experience will be undone. The result will be the same as if the original traumatic experience never occurred. Healing will be delayed, and the person’s symptoms will be unchanged. As illustrated in the following chart, healing may be achieved when reconstruction occurs. The rationale of reconstructing the damaged structures and systems, thus preventing further damage, is logical. It makes sense that a person who has suffered a trauma to the brain would need to do things differently in order to function well. For example, how would you feel if you were in a car accident and the other car was swerving dangerously, throwing you into an oncoming lane? As another example, if you were in a car accident and the other car was doing 65 mph in a 55 mph zone, would you be able to drive safely in order to protect yourself? Yet, you may be surprised to learn that people who have endured trauma actually need more repair work to perform the same tasks that they were able to perform before the trauma. In other words, they need to work harder to maintain the same level of functioning they had before the trauma. When the work of reconstruction is achieved, the healthy emotional system is re-established. There is no longer any need to go through the terror and confusion that took place during the trauma. The brain is no longer fearful or anxious, and the person’s behavior is more constructive and self-regulating. When the work of healing is achieved, the life and living patterns that have been held

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